Monday, March 3, 2008

The GPS Tracking System - Compass, Map, And Private Eye

Are you someone who couldn’t find your way out of a paper bag? Or do you have kids who, unfortunately, can find their way into more dicey situations than they have a right to, and you only wish you had a way of keeping tabs on their whereabouts? Do you own a business with a fleet of vehicles and have a sneaking suspicion that not all the miles being logged on them are legitimate? Do you love to spend hours or days out on the water? If you answer yes to any of those questions, you may be an ideal candidate for a GPS tracking system. If you are tired of getting lost, or of not being able to locate your kids or employees, a GPS tracking system can become your compass, your atlas, and your private eye all rolled into one. How A GPS Tracking System Works A GPS tracking system device operates by sending a signal to a network of twenty-one satellites in orbit around the Earth. When the satellites pick up the signal, they analyse it and up to four of them send back information on the latitude, longitude, and altitude of the GPS tracking system at the time when it them. Most GPS tracking devices are already loaded with extremely detailed maps, and when they get the satellite transmissions, can provide their users with a very detailed picture of their exact locations. Sizes And Features Of GPS Tracking Systems GPS tracking devices are available in sizes ranging from backpacker’s watches, PDAs, and cell phones to vehicular, marine, and aviation models. Some of them are even small enough to be implanted on endangered animals so that information their migratory movements can be gathered. All good GPS tracking systems will allow their mapping software to be updated regularly, because the roadways of the world never stay the same from day to day. And they should be able to signal, and receive transmissions from, the satellite network even from beneath obstructions like dense foliage, tall closely structured buildings, and canyon walls. GPS tracking systems are great tools for letting the owners of transportation and freight fleet keep tabs on exactly where their vehicles are, and whether their drivers are logging any unauthorized miles or stops. They help Mom and Dad know where the kids really are, when they say they are at the library or at a friend’s house for a study session. And they help those of us who would get lost in a paper bag navigate the world with all the confidence of Magellan. Even better, as GPS tracking systems become more and more popular, they become less and less expensive. The least sophisticated of them can now be bought for less than $100, an exceptional price for the freedom which they offer the timid traveler! You can also find more info on GPS Vehicle Tracking and Global Positioning System . is a comprehensive resource to know about GPS System.

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